Student assignments

1. Group Project Brief

Developing an Arts & Urban Renewal Programme
This group project is to develop an arts project, event or educational programme for a specific urban area or community. This project is to be primarily designed for a regeneration environment. This project is an opportunity to completely design a programme from concept to (near) completion. You may work in groups of two or three people maximum.

Issues to Consider –
Rationale for the programme
Motivation for the project
Potential impact (both pro and con)
Structure -- Physical design of project (include examples, models, images – these can be from similar projects)
schedule of performances / exhibitions
educational programmes
target audience(s)
Partnerships & Engagement
board / trustees
potential funding sources (relevant to type of programme)
programme fees
range of operating budget (not exact figures but categories of incomes and expenditures)
Evaluation Methods

Format of Presentation
15 minute presentation (timed) followed by 10 minutes Q&A
All team members must present some aspect of the project
PowerPoint must be used as the main structure for the presentation
Other elements may be used to accompany PowerPoint (video, models, etc.)
The presentation should be scripted (but remember audience contact)
A copy of the script/notes, bibliography, project outline and the PowerPoint slides printed out for presentation is required at the time of your presentation.

If you like you can post information, images and links to your own project proposals here and on the Manifesto of Possibilities website.

2. Individual Assignment

Across the fields of urban renewal and arts management, there are a number of topics and issues that are at the forefront of current debate. Such topics include cultural diversity, government funding, economic exclusion, sustainability, and cultural institutions in transition, to name just a few. You are to identify one issue to present in a 3,000 word essay. In order to complete the essay, you will need to:

• Research the current debate on your selected topic. Use concrete examples and compare different viewpoints.

• Identify an arts organisation (artist, group – as appropriate to your topic) you feel can provide you with insight into your chosen research topic for your essay.

• Interview staff members, volunteers, etc., at your selected arts organisation/group about your research topic.

• Review and interpret relevant literature.

You will be assessed on the quality of you research, your ability to convey your understanding of the topic, your use of an institution (artist, group, etc.) as a case-study, your critical engagement with the material and your recommendations. Your essay must include a bibliography and any relevant material on your institution / artists (booklets, webpage materials, images, etc.). See the MA handbook guidelines for writing a critical essay and the Harvard standard for citing references and bibliography format.

Topic choice must be submitted in class and approved by tutors.

Deadline for written work 8th January 2009
5pm to Arts Management Office